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Unrivaled Fence Staining Services

At Five Star Deck Services, we understand that your wood fence is an instrumental component in your home’s security and privacy and an aesthetic element that enhances your home’s curb appeal and value in Glen Burnie, MD. That’s why we provide unrivaled fence staining services that amplify your fence’s beauty, durability, and longevity.

Understanding Fence Stain

Fence stain is a method used to restore the appearance and durability of your home’s fence. Rather than replace a fence that has been impacted by inclement weather leading to fading, fence staining can be used to breathe new life into your fence, allowing it to look and perform like new.

Fence Staining in Glen Burnie, MD

The Benefits of Fence Staining

Fence staining services offer an array of benefits that improve the look and function of your fence, including the following:

  • Waterproofs wood
  • Greater resistance to mold and mildew
  • Improved curb appeal and property value
  • Enhanced protection against inclement weather and the elements
  • Long-term savings as it preserves your fence, deterring fence replacements

Elegance & Protection

Fence stain can do wonders for the aesthetic appeal of your fence as it boosts the natural beauty of the wood, allowing it to look clean, crisp, and refreshed. As fence staining adds a protective layer to your fence, it prolongs your fence’s lifespan, providing you with years of elegance that seamlessly complements your home’s outdoor space.

Our Fence Staining Process

Our fence staining process is meticulous, as we take pride in delivering exceptional results. We begin by inspecting your fence for minor damage and cleaning it to prepare the fence for the stain. Once the stain is selected, we sand the fence the ensure maximum absorption and a seamless finish and apply the stain using state-of-the-art equipment.

Fence Stain Touch-Ups

At Five Star Deck Services, we believe no job is complete until our customer is entirely satisfied. Therefore, once we have concluded our fence staining and the fence is dry, we will carefully inspect the fence to locate any areas of unevenness to ensure they are corrected with the required touch-ups or additional coats.

What Is Transparent Fence Stain?

Transparent fence stain is used to enhance the appearance of a wood fence, using ultra-fine, 100% trans-oxide pigments. Transparent fence stain is ideal for highlighting wood grain and knots while protecting and preserving the stability of the wood to enhance the fence’s natural beauty.

What Is Semi-Transparent Fence Stain?

Semi-transparent fence stain is used to change the color of the wood while still allowing for visible grain and texture. With a stronger pigmented product, this type of fence stain can mask blemishes with its robust coverage that uses opaque pigmentation at a minimized rate to stain the fence.

Can I Change the Color of My Fence?

Fence stain allows homeowners to change the color of their fences. If your fence is faded or the light-washed wood you once loved is no longer satisfying your aesthetic preferences, we provide a wide selection of fence stain options to choose from to help you remodel the look of your fence.

Choose Five Star Deck Services

Customers in Glen Burnie, MD, rely on Five Star Deck Services for quality fence staining services that take their property to new heights. Our professionals work with you to develop personalized fence maintenance services based on your unique needs, budget, and preferences to achieve optimal results and total customer satisfaction.

Keep Your Home Flawless With Our Home Exterior Professionals

While a fence stain can significantly increase property value, our effective services don’t stop there. Five Star Deck Services provides an array of high-quality home exterior solutions designed to improve the appearance and function of your deck and fence, including fence and deck restoration, cleaning, maintenance, pressure washing, and beyond.

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