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Our Deck Restoration and Repair Services

Five Star Deck Services provides comprehensive repair and restoration deck services in Annapolis, Arnold, Crofton, Glen Burnie, Odenton, Severna Park and surrounding areas. Our team has years of experience and knowledge that allows us to provide the best services in the area. We have extensive knowledge about many different materials used for decks. We also provide restoration for docks and fences. Whether you need our services for your commercial or residential property, our team of licensed experts is the best choice. We will keep your outdoor spaces looking brand new and ensure that they last for a long time. With our maintenance services, your deck will last longer, reduce repairs and maintain an excellent appearance. Explore our many services below and contact us to book an appointment.

Deck Repair Service in Annapolis, MD

Benefits of Deck Repair and Restoration Deck Services

Our team is proud to offer Glen Burnie, MD and the surrounding areas comprehensive deck maintenance services. With Five Star Deck Service, you can actually extend the life and durability of your deck and outdoor living spaces. With well maintained outdoor spaces, your property increases in value and serves as a warm welcome to guests or customers.

Our deck services are unlike any other. We not only provide in-depth cleaning of your deck, but we also provide an examination of the structure to formulate a plan to restore your deck to its former glory. Taking into consideration your needs, your property’s specifications and the material used to build your deck will allow us to form a plan that is designed specifically for you. Next time you’re looking for a way to restore your outdoor area’s appearance, choose Five Star Deck Service.

Deck Restoration Service in Annapolis, MD

Deck Restoration Services We Offer

We provide the following deck services for your convenience:

Deck Cleaning and Restoration Service Areas

FAQs about Deck Restoration and Cleaning

Our team at Five Star Deck Service provides our deck services for a wide range of natural wood services, including IPE.

It varies depending on the size of your deck and how big the cleaning project is. We can provide an estimated timeframe and update you if it’s going to take longer than anticipated. Sometimes issues arise. We’ll inform you and let you decide how you want to handle fixing them.

IPE wood is an incredibly hardy and durable wood that is often used for decks and other outdoor structures. It is one of the highest quality woods on the market. Because of this, IPE maintenance should always be handled by professionals. It requires extensive knowledge and hard-to-find products and materials.

  • Alkaline wash
  • Acid brightener
  • Clean cracks
  • Tighten all screws and nails
  • Sand the floors
  • Stain

The best way to care for a wood deck is through professional services such as ours, as they need to be sealed and stained yearly to ensure that they last and can remain durable against the weather. But there are some things you can do to keep your deck up and running in between these annual maintenance services. We suggest you check for rotting wood, check for needed repairs, ensure fasteners and stairs are secure, and clean messes off the deck. If you notice any repairs needed or rotting wood, contact us right away and we can get you the services you need.

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