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Frequently Asked Questions

When it comes to deck care, many questions can come to light. From knowing when a full restoration strategy may benefit more than performing repairs to determining the right stains and treatment techniques most suitable for your type of wood decking, having a knowledgeable team of deck restoration specialists on your side is the key to preserving every luxurious detail of your deck and outdoor property. At Five Star Deck Service in Glen Burnie, MD, we want you to choose our services with confidence. If you don’t find an answer from our FAQ below, reach out to our friendly staff today.

Why should I choose Five Star Deck Service?

Deck and dock restoration isn’t just our specialty – it’s our passion. We’re proud of our ability to provide deck and dock restoration and repair services specific to the Chesapeake Bay area! As natives of the local region, our team has extensive experience and an in-depth understanding of Maryland weather patterns, having spent decades helping homeowners and businesses in Anne Arundel County and beyond maintain their decks, docks, and wooden fences with ease and affordability. When you enlist our expertise, we aim to leave you in awe of your revived property.

Is a personal appointment necessary for a project estimate?

An in-person appointment allows us to provide the most accurate upfront estimate. Conducting an on-site assessment gives us the opportunity to gain firsthand insight into the specific needs and requirements of your deck and outdoor property, such as the type of materials used to build your deck, its current condition, and how to best approach the project. The initial evaluation is the starting point that considers every detail, so there are no surprises or project delays later down the road.

What if I can do the work myself?

Choosing a professional deck restoration and maintenance company like Five Star Deck Service has several benefits compared to the do-it-yourself approach. As field experts, we use cutting-edge tools and have the ability to perform the latest techniques properly to ensure the best possible results for your specific property. With our trained and experienced background, we are able to provide streamlined service while considering all safety precautions, eliminating the potential for harm or injury to you and the environment, and ensuring no unnecessary damage is done to your property.

What causes wear and tear of wood decks, docks, and fences?

Because these outdoor features are continually exposed to the elements, extreme heat, cold, rain, and snow can all reduce the overall quality of your wood decking. Harmful UV rays from the sun will lead to fading, discoloration, and cracking over time. Moisture from snow, rain, and humidity all work to induce rot and mold when left untreated. Built-up dirt, grime, and even poor-quality consumer stains and sealers can also contribute to your deck’s decline, but with the proper care and professional maintenance, your deck will make a light breeze out of the changing seasons.

Does my deck need repairs or restoration?

This is a great question, and one potential clients often ask us. When your deck is beginning to display signs of significant aging like structural damage, rotting, warping, major stains, or discoloration, a full-scale restorative strategy may be a more beneficial and financially sound decision in the long run. While cosmetic corrections and minor repairs improve the stability and lifespan of your deck, performing extensive repairs on worn or questionable structural components can create an otherwise avoidable safety hazard.

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