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Five Star Deck Sanding Services Near You

Our team at Five Star Deck Service consists of credible and licensed deck experts that are passionate about providing the best deck services in Annapolis, Arnold, Crofton, Glen Burnie, Odenton, Severna Park and surrounding areas. We provide comprehensive services including deck maintenance, restoration, repair, cleaning and sanding. Deck sanding is crucial to the overall process of deck refinishing. We provide our services for both commercial and residential services, which means that no matter what property you need deck services for, our team can provide the best of the best. Contact our experts today to get started.

Deck Maintenance in Glen Burnie, MD

The Importance of Deck Sanding

Deck sanding is a very important service. Not only is it an essential step in improving the appearance and durability of a deck, but it actually makes it safer. As decks age, splinter, crack and warp, the deck becomes a dangerous place for your family, guests, customers and pets alike. Once sanded down, it all becomes an even surface again improving safety and reducing risk for the ones you love. This process also opens up the pores for the stain to soak in for beautiful finish to your deck. For a safer, more evenly colored deck, contact our team today.

Deck Sanding Services Offered

The Five Star Deck Service is one of the best deck sander companies in the Glen Burnie, MD area. We provide comprehensive deck services and have everything you need for deck sanding. We provide our services for every type of wood deck materials including IPE, mahogany, and so much more. With our state-of-the-art technology and professional sanders, you will be amazed at what we can do with your old and weathered deck.  In addition to our sanding services, we also offer deck repair and other refinishing services such as deck staining and deck sealing.

Benefits of Five Star Sanding

When you choose our team at Five Star Deck Service to provide you with deck sanding services, you will experience benefits such as:

  • Improved appearance
  • Increased safety
  • Longer lifespan
  • Less stains
  • Even walking surface
  • Helps stain properly adhere to wood
Deck Sanding in Glen Burnie, MD

Our Deck Sanding Process

Our experts go through the same process for each deck to ensure quality control and efficiency. You can expect the following process when you hire our deck sanding services:

  1. Consultation
  2. Inspection
  3. Cleaning
  4. Sanding

You’ll also have the option of staining and sealing your wood after we provide you with sanding services. We highly recommend one or the other, or both, to protect your wood from weathering, rot, insects and many other hazards. They will help your deck last a long time. Contact us if you have any questions.

Why Choose Five Star Deck Service for Deck Sanding

So, why should you choose Five Star Deck Service over other deck service providers in the area? When you choose us, you’ll experience true deck sanding expertise. Our professionals are all licensed and credited in all aspects of deck care, including sanding. In addition to being extremely talented and knowledgeable, they are passionate about providing you with the service you want, need and desire. With our deck sanding services, you will experience quality workmanship without breaking the budget.


Depending on the texture and smoothness you want out of the final product will depend on if/how much you sand before staining. We recommend sanding your deck before staining for several reasons including the stain will adhere better to the wood, loose wood and splinters will be sanded down for a safer deck, and a deck has an improved appearance when you sand down the wood.

This depends on a couple of factors, including the deck coating condition, the type of sander being used and the size of your deck. If your deck has less damage, it will be much quicker of a process to sand it compared to when the deck has taken on a lot of weather damage.

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